header image

the book with

your text/image

Vern Harrison's
Pursuit Trilogy

(All in one hardcover volume)

550 story pages.
188,611 story words.
582 total pages.

Customize for a
Unique Special Edition

The inside title page contains your special message (text and/or image)

This is the book:

About 6¼ x 9¼ inches and 1⅝ inches thick with 582 pages between the covers. You get to cusomize one of the pages.

book inside cover

The page you get to customize:

The inside title page is where your customization can be placed. (That's the first page that contains text after the cover is opened.)

The printable area on that page below the copyright line is the area you get to customize. It will replace the customization you see in the picture, which I did for myself when I ordered the book so you could see pictures.

book inside cover

Slide show of ideas:

As mentioned, customization can be done below the copyright line of the inside title page. (The dashed box represents the edge of the page in the book.)

Here are a few general ideas.

How It Works

  1. You provide the text. Or an image. Or both.

    That is your custom message. (The Vern Harrison's imprinted signature is optional.)

  2. Your custom message is manually placed for printing on the inside title page, below the copyright line.

  3. An electronic file for your custom book is sent to a printer in your country.

    The printer prints your custom edition book and ships it directly to you.

Assume it will take from 1 to 3 weeks from when you place your order to when your book is delivered. The book can be custom printed and delivered in any of over 100 countries. (Optionally, the printer can ship your book directly to a gift recipient.)

Whoever the book is shipped to (you or your recipient) will have the only copy. It will be the only book exactly like that. It will be a special custom edition.

No Bar Code

The back cover of your special custom edition of the Vern Harrison Pursuit. trilogy book has no bar code.

Bar codes are for books with many copies of the same edition. A book's bar code is used at stores and libraries to look up prices and to look up author, publisher, and other particulars of the book.

Your book has no bar code because nothing needs to be looked up. Your custom hardcover book is a one-off special printing. No other copies exist to be sold. You have the only copy.

A book barcode is a unique identifier assigned to a book so it's price and other book details can be looked up. Your custom book, however, will be the only one like that in all of existence (unless you order more than one with the same customization).

Gift Ideas

You will want your own, of course. Yet, think about it. The Vern Harrison trilogy can be a wonderful and unique gift.

• A person's birthday.

• A young adult's milestone.

• Holidays — Christmas and special local holidays.

• Weddings.

• Newborn celebration — for the parents or for the child's book shelf for when they learn to read mainstream novels.

• Collection for display.

What is your special message?

Your special message can be an image. Or text. Or both text and an image. It's up to you.

Each special edition book will be set up separately so you can have a unique message in each.

The custom special edition book is priced at $80 (United States dollars). Images are printed graytone or, for $25 surcharge, an image can be printed in color. Note that I, Vern Harrison, will pay all shipping fees for you.

Each book requires its own setup.

There are three steps. Let's get started.

The order total is $ (United States dollars). All shipping fees paid for you by Vern Harrison.

Have a question or suggestion that needs to be addressed soon?
Tap here to contact Vern Harrison.

Contact Vern Harrison

Copyright 2024-2025 Vern Harrison